Category: SD.
Tags: SAINS Gampang, Asyik, dan Menyenangkan 1B
Mathematics GASING (GAmpang, aSyIk, menyenaNGkan) Book was compiled as a companion to the 2013 curriculum thematic book (revised edition 2016). Using this book, students will be more profound in learning mathematical concepts. The material in this book is presented in the form of a dialogue with features that will help students learn Mathematics in a fun and easy way
Fun Practice : Problems to train students about the material being discussed.
Fun Play : Activities supporting the process of teaching and learning.
Fun Thinking : Problems which challenge and train sense of logics.
Mathematics Recreation : Problems which are fun to exercise.
Did You Know? : Information to develop knowledge.
Mathematics in Comics : Stories of Mathematics in the forms of comics.
Fun Computing : Exercises to develop computing skill.
Fun Word Problems : Problems of daily life using the principles of Mathematics.
For Teachers and Parents : Tips for teachers and parents to guide students to learn.
Project Task : Application tasks at the end of the chapter to improve
material understanding.
Professor Yohanes Surya Ph.D. was born in Jakarta in 1963 and graduated from the Department of Physics at Universitas Indonesia in 1986. He obtained his Ph.D. cum laude in Physics from The College of William and Mary, Virginia, USA in 1994. As the main figure of the initiator of TOFI (Tim Olimpiade Fisika Indonesia) in 1993, he succeeded in making Indonesia as World Champion at the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) and the Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO), and continuously bringing Indonesian students to success every year in this event and various other prestigious Science and Mathematics Olympiad competitions.
The TOFI training experience encourages Prof. Yohanes Surya to develop learning methods that are "GAmpang, aSyIk, dan menyenaNGkan" (GASING) in various fields of science, especially Mathematics and Physics. This method is echoed to various regions by training teachers who play a direct role in teaching and learning activities in schools so that students can enjoy learning easily. And in 2010 Prof. Yohanes Surya founded Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Surya to produce Science and Mathematics teachers who are ready to be deployed to regions, especially Eastern Indonesia.
In 2013 also established Universitas Surya as research and technology-based campus to answer the challenges of the nation's future, and Sekolah GenIUS (Generasi Indonesia Jaya Untuk Semua) which aims to introduce research and technology early to the nation's students so that no losing competitiveness with other developed countries.